To our wives, Robin and Lin, for their continuous support and encouragement.
Copyright C The Business of Sports – Fan Engagement, Sports Products & Sports Participation, 2nd Edition, 2025. All Rights Reserved
This book is manufactured in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage systems, without permission in writing from the authors, except a reviewer, who may quote passages in the review.
Published by Global Sports Insights, LLC, 716 Kimwood Place, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 484-5209
Fan Engagement, Sports Products & Sports Participation
This book is a comprehensive view of the scope, structure, and size of the $ 2.65 trillion sports business industry. The size is larger than most estimates of the sports industry, which limits fan engagement in sports events. We expand fan engagement to include sports media’s scope, structural components, and ever-growing sports entertainment. As necessary, we expand the scope to include sports products we buy and the money we pay to participate in sports and outdoor recreation.
We also include a global perspective with chapters devoted to the world’s top sports countries and sports cities. In these chapters, we bring in economic data to construct Sports Power Scores for countries and cities based on their capacity to generate sports industry revenues across the three domains of sports business – fan engagement, sports products, and sports participation.
The Business of Sports – Fan Engagement, Sports Products & Sports Participation is a must-have resource for students studying sports and industry professionals, journalists, advertisers, government agencies, and investors. And the book’s trove of sports industry revenue data and analysis is always available on any digital device.
KRISTY NEVES (Business Manager): Kristy is a partner with Global Sports Insights, LLC, and manages the overall database and business operations. She has over 25 years of experience in database, systems management, and accounting. Most recently, she managed Gartner’s large marketing manager database and information system.
OLIVER BEST (Production): Oliver oversees book production and website development. He is a professional photographer and graphic designer with experience in video production, book and magazine production, and website design.
MILLIE VELASQUEZ (Graphic Design): Millie manages book layout and graphic design. She is a professional photographer and graphic designer.
IRENKA ANGELOVA (Market Research): Irenka leads market research and manages our social media marketing. She also manages our Instructor Support (Chapter Guidelines, PowerPoint slides and Test Bank).
CONSULTANTS: We want to extend special thanks to Ben Horgan for his work on the sports product chapters and Braden Buerk for his valuable assistance with sports participation chapters. To each, we are extremely grateful for the work they have provided.
Roger Best: He is an Emeritus Professor in Marketing at the University of Oregon and cofounder of the UO Sports Product Management Program. He is the author over 40 marketing publications and The Academy of Marketing Science article of the year. He co-authored Consumer Behavior (1980-2010) a top seller published in Chinese and Spanish and Market-Based Management (1996-present), the first book to add marketing analytics to marketing management published in Chinese, Dutch, Russian and Spanish.
Commercial products developed by Roger include the Marketing Excellence Survey, BidStrat, MarkProf, MarkPlan and the Marketing Metrics Handbook. He is also the author of two children’s books.
Roger started his career at GE in engineering and product management where he earned a patent. As a professor he has taught at the University of Arizona, INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, and University of Oregon. He has been awarded numerous teaching awards and honored as AMA Distinguished Teacher of the Year.
Roger has worked extensively in consulting and executive education with companies including 3M, Agilent Technologies, Airtouch, Bala Footwear, Blue Cross, Covidien, Dow Chemical, Dow Corning, DuPont, Eastman-Kodak, ESCO, General Electric, HewlettPackard, IIR Conferences, James Hardie, Lucas Industries, MediaOne Group, Oregon Dept. of Energy, Seminarium, Sprint, Tektronix, Telstra, Textron, US West, Univentures and many small companies and startups.
Dennis Howard: As an educator, author, and consultant, Dennis’ focus has been on the financial and economic aspects of sport over the past 30 years. He has been on the faculty at Texas A&M, Penn State, Ohio State and over the last 20 years at the Lundquist College of Business at the University of Oregon. He has received outstanding teaching awards at every institution he served. In 2008, Dennis was endowed a Philip H. Knight Professor of Business.
He has published nearly 100 academic and professional articles and authored several books, including the most recent, Financing Sport (4th edition) with his long-time colleague and friend, John Crompton. Dennis is co-editor (with Brad Humphreys) of the 3-volume series, The Business of Sport. He is also the founder and former editor of the International Journal of Sport Finance. For his scholarly contributions, Dennis was the recipient of the North American Sport Management Association’s prestigious Earle F. Ziegler Award.
At the University of Oregon, Dennis served for many years as the Academic Director of the James H. Warsaw Sports Marketing Center, which developed the first MBA program dedicated to the business of sport. The program’s success has inspired many universities to establish sport- specialty programs in business schools around the globe. Dennis also served as the Head of the Marketing Department and Dean of the Lundquist College of Business. He is now an Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Sports Business.